 Letter, October 14, 1918 [Letter on plain stationery, color stationery of the American Y.M.C.A. and plain paper.]
Oct. 14, 1918 -
Dear father and Mother -
Well I have some news. today I rec. the letters from you of -
Aug 13, 23, 28 and Sept. 4. also the letter from Della with the
pictures. all of them. Ah maybe you think I wasn't tickled. you
see on account of other activities my mail was rather neglected.
so here I gets 14 letters - all in one bunch. one from Telma to.
sure was surprised to hear from her and just as tickled as I was
surprised. I wrote a line to Guy as I got his address from the
letter enclosed. And Madges letter too, I read with very much
interest. All together, I feel 100% to the good this evening, and
to know the folks back home realy do think of you occasionally. Im
sorry I havent time to write to miles and Olan for I'd love to
hear from those lads. A big letter telling me all about themselves
and their desires & expectations. Just as if they were going to
tell me all about it if I were with them. They sure have no idea
how it would be appreciated. I believe I get all the mail sent to
me, even if it is long in coming. I think it all finally gets
here. Am wondering how Bertha is now? It takes so long for word to
get here, sure was so glad to know she was getting along fine when
last you wrote. and if she can only come up and be with you, Jove
that would be fine, wouldent it? And if I could only be there too,
Ah - be a little better wouldent it? Well you can't wish for me
more than I wish for you. But I cant complain, for I'm still alive
which is more than many I know can say now. Jove I was glad to get
the pictures from Della. Tell her I thank her from the top of my
head - on up - And it was such a nice letter she wrote too. You
folks over there think I'm darn particular what I read and how
much. Jove if you knew how scarce reading matter is sometimes
you'd write twice as much. But I cant wish for more today tho. And
mom, the knitted stuff, don't worry, for I have quite a bit, all I
can possibly carry. and if we need more there will be arrangements
made so I can get what is nessessary. So dont think any more of
the matter. keep there what I sent home. you can maybe use a
little this winter around home some. Ah - you hope I dont get any
pets, I hoped so myself at one time. before I was over here very
many days. now I hope I can keep them cleared out enough so I can
sleep at nites, some at least. Jove they chase up and down my
seams and elsewhere. they sure have a grand & glorious time. I
dont know if it be games they play or merely natural action of the
brutes but what ever it is, it gets annoying as hell some times
and you have to be damn tired if you can sleep with them running
loose on you. I boiled my shirt & underclothes yesterday, sure
fixed a bunch of them, but I slept last nite.
Mom a little incident happened while you were down there the
first time that interested me much, your meeting Mary Headly. I've
often wondered about her; what she was doing, if she was married
or not, but supposed she had so completely forgotten me she would
have to stop and think if some one ask her if she knew me.
The last time I met her, was years ago it seems and she was
going to Merom College and quite popular and as I didnt ammount to
much she didnt notice me a great deal, which is only natural. I am
sure I would enjoy a talk with her, for school days sake if
nothing more. And Thelma, she surely has changed then, I guess I
wont know my relatives at all when I get back. they will all be
grown out of my knowlege. they will all be young folks & me an old
man comparatively speaking. Maybe I'm changing as much as they,
but can it be for the better over here in the land of murder, as
Ive seen it and am seeing it? I hardly think it would be at all
possible. Things happen that will live with me thru the rest of my
life. I cant describe them as I havent words, and if I did tell
some of the things, would anyone believe me? No they would not.
They couldn't, for seeing is believing, and if you don't see it
and experience it your self, you would always doubt its being
true. whereas if you do live thru it, you only can know how
impossible it is to protray in words what your eyes see and your
nerves feel. Well I did not have to get all my hair cut off, just
did it is all. quite all out again it is. cooties dont bother
there much so I guess I wont have it done any more. yes I rec. the
receipt from our lodge. It came thru all OK. Bro. Claggets
certainly are having a hard time.
It sure is too bad. And as you say with 4 children too. But
Ive seen much worse over here. you dont know what a grand country
you are living in. No idea. Nothing like it in the rest of the
world. It may be noted over here for some things and some have the
impression the states is a bunch of rubes. but since they are
meeting so much of the American manhood over here I think their
minds will and have already changed, even to fritz.
They live too much in the past over here absolutely too much,
so how can they go forward with the strides of the American
nations when they do that. Jove, I'd fight to the last drop of my
blood for my country, for its well worth fighting for. Well mom
you did quite the proper thing to let Cecil have my camera, for
I'm sure she will use it and that is just what I want done with
it. And I know she will be very careful with it, more so than I
would ever ask any one to be. So I am very glad you did it. and
never send me any more stamped envelopes unless you want me just
to see what they look like, for it costs us nothing to send mail
back. Once in a while we cant get envelopes, and can use any kind,
but no charge whatever.
So glad you wrote about Rodericks, for I often wonder about
people out there, and it seems to acquaint me with what is realy
doing over there, so far, and yet so close and real in my mind.
Always in my mind you are. Every item was absorbed with interest.
Every thing interests me. Over there as well as over here. In your
letter of Aug 28 you wrote about roads between Paris and Union.
Well the mention of paris made me think what a different paris you
were in to the one I was in recently. About the picture of the
boat, I bout a post card size picture of the boat the covington
and the fellow was to mail it to you on the return trip, and I
know it made it back for it came across again but never got back
that time. Well I am quite as alive on rec. that letter of the 28
as I was when I wrote the one you had reference to. Just pure luck
tho, that I am at this time. I have been lucky up until this
minute and the future I will just have to chance as I've
heretofore done. Well Im no more in the signals, so you need not
worry as I imagine you have on hearing report mentioned in letter
of Sept. 4. Don't worry about your kid, for he is well able to fly
for his wings are quite strong. even if he is the baby, and if I
cant take care of myself, it will be an act no one will be able to
help. and it will be all over for me and you'll find it out soon
enough. But dont worry for it cant do the least bit of good and
you will suffer more than me if you do. If you dont hear from me
when you should, you see some times opperations keep you on the
move so much you cant write, as it did when we came to this
sector. Havent been here so long but yea, gods, its been a
bastard. Was too bad about the fellow at Robinson, the funeral and
all, but I've seen his kind get it more than once over here. and
no burial like that either. You speak of stunts, I've seen real
stunts pulled over here, your life the stake, and some I never
thot could be done. yet they do it. I saw some good work done over
there too. Some of the things over here would simply make the hair
on your head raise to see it. I don't know if we can tell if we
are in the fighting line or not, but its such a darned little bit
I havent been there, I could much easier tell of the things and
times I havent been there. That why I'm lucky to be writing now.
Gee your garden sure must have been good this summer. how are the
trees coming along. Had I better top them out again next spring?
You mentioned Paralee going to be married soon. What the 'ell,
don't he have to fight or is he just going to marry quick so he
will have a wife when he gets back? What I've learned about men?
Well when put to the acid test of damn heavy shell fire and
bombing, you see, some are not the brave heroes they like for
people to think they are. they talk a different strain altogether;
just a little more human nature you pick up as you go along is
all. And its also teaching me I'm made of as good stuff as other
people and I have much greater confidence in myself than I had
before I got out among soldiers of today. You learn many a good
lesson, one - depend on no one but your self. If you cant do that,
you havent long to live, (you maybe havent any way), but the odds
are on your side if you do - and many many other things just as
important. Well mom keep writing to your loving baby boy and he
will do the same - with love to all.
Paul Hendrickson
Hdq. Co. 129 Inf. A.E.F. via New York.
[small slip enclosed:]
You may paste this slip on a box the specified size and send
me a Xmas present if you want to. I would not let it be too
expensive, for I may not rec. it. Toilet art, such as colgate
shaving sticks and things of that nature make the most usefull
articles that I can't buy. But of course you do as you see fit and
a few genuine American pencils.
Have you rec. my Liberty bond. I have not - be sure and let me
have you any papers of the war risk insurance showing I have taken
it out (Be sure & answer)
did you rec. the money order I sent home - also answer.
My bond was paid for in July so it ought to be sent home I should
think. If you know a way to find out about it please do so.

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