Letter, October 20, 1918 [Letter on color stationery
of the American Y.M.C.A. Received Nov. 27.]
Sun. Oct. 20 - 18
My dear Cecil
This is a rainy Sunday - many such days like this now tho and my dugout is dry and warm, well behind the line of fire, quite
safe, and my thots will not be disturbed by the whine of all
calibre shells coming this way. Quite a releif I'm sure. I sure
enjoy the afternoon rehearsals we have. Sat. afternoon we gave a
concert, which was appreciated by all who were able to get to hear
it. I am working hard on the trumpet, don't know if I will be left
on it or not. only hope I am. If I am perhapps when I get back to
you I can play my part better than I could when I left home over a
year & a half ago. I wrote you about talking to so many of the
boys in the organization that Tom Murhead belongs with. I haven't
seen them since that one time. Just luck I saw them then. Of
course they were at home long after I left, but have been over
here longer than I have.
You say you were and all were surprised when Mary Ross was
married, and - all - you know -; well I was no exception, for that
was sure a surprise to me - I never thot that, but I do know she
had some very funny ideas, but gave her credit for more good
judgement, but even George & Orpha surprised me about as much.
Well tell me - whats gone wrong with the girls over there,
they all get married every chance they get; dont seem to pay any
attention to who or what he is, just get married is all I can see.
Can you tell me why?
And has your birthday made you much older? I hardly know I've
had one in the last couple years; feel younger in a way than I did
at home, and again in experience I feel I've passed thru more
years in the last one & a half, than any eight or ten before that.
Funny effect this life has on a fellow.
I often wonder what my friends will think of me on my return,
providing I have the good luck to return. and this is very early
in the game to count on anything as yet. Am hoping I'll be able to
see you all very soon tho.
And how is your school coming along. Are you sticking with it
as you should. I certainly hope you keep at it and make a success
of it, but dont let the piano rest too much. for I figure on
having you use it considerable if I get back anytime before too
long. I had a better birthday than I might have had, and
considering, I feel I had a very pleasant time, altho I did not
celebrate with any feast at all.
I hope the pictures you have been taking are good. I never
used my camera much and am sure I dont know if it is much account
or not, it has never been used to ammount to anything.
So There were quite a few good looking pictures at Cramer &
Nortons? What was the idea, advertising?
How many of my letters have you rec. now. I dont see why you
dont get my letters oftener if mother does, for as a rule they
both leave me at the same time. I guess there is no doubt I am
getting every one of yours; so you need not feel so uncertain
about me rec. them. for in about thirty days time they show up -
unless like the last one, it was delayed on account of so much
action and me being away to school.
What do you think of the boys over here, now that you more
than likely are getting quite a bit of news. The Aurora paper
tells quite a bit about us as so many of our reg. are from there
and close there. Looked pretty much like they wanted peace for a
while, but I suppose it was just another farce for a little more
time. I see they are doing their part in the liberty loan this
time, sure makes you feel the folks back home are back of you
alright. And from what I've seen the lads over here deserve all
you can do for them too. Are going after the business in a whole
hearted manner.
Whats Mary Loff doing now. does she look natural? Tell Rose
Levin she might drop me a letter some time, wouldn't care if she
sent a picture of herself. a fellow gets just about half enough
mail over here.
As this is about my last evening of leasure at present, I
can't say when I will be able to drop a few more sentences, but
will again at first opportunity I assure you. with love to all, I
am your pal
Paul B Hendrickson -
Hdq Co 129 Inf AEF via N.Y.