 Letter, November 11, 1918 [Letter on color stationery
of the American Y.M.C.A.
"Band looks nobby with th[ ] little gold service stripes on their
left sleeve. But these six months have been a bastard and I guess
we deserve all we can get."
Nov. 11, 1918
Dear Father and Mother
This is a big day here. every one is celebrating. We played
quite a while, and some of our boys grabbed a couple frenchmen and
began dancing. Have been having a big time most all day. The bells
in the big church started ringing a noon and it is now late and
they are still ringing. I went up twice and helped pull the ropes.
The bells are of three sizes and of course three tones, chimes you
see, they are from four to five feet across at the bottom, not
small ones at all. While I was up in the belfry I saw the big
clock, its a large piece of machinery, that looks like anything
but a clock with the exception of the pendlem swinging below. We
also had a good bath this afternoon, that is generally a thing of
note, for so much of the time you cant get a very good one.
There is an organization of southern boys here, and last
Sunday we played church for them as our boys are up in the lines
just now. And then this afternoon we played for them when the good
news reached us and they sure think our band is all right. Cheer
you every piece of music you play and when you give them a
southern melody, they go wild over it. They always have a good
word for us. They appreciate our work as much if not more than our
own reg. does.
It seems ages now since hearing from you. Something has gone
sadly wrong with our mail service all at once, I know that our
last mail in, was sent up to the lines and will probly be some
time before it gets back here where we are. We are not back so far
but yet we are not in the scrap.
Jove, the papers look good now. have been tracing the front
line on my little map, from time to time and, believe me they
havent far to go any more until we will have them on their own
country, which will hurt them more than anything else. We are
still in the same little home and with the same big tall french
clock as I mentioned once before. We have no fire tonite as it is
not cold enough, and it hasen't rained now for a few days which is
quite strange, when it get pretty cool it rains and warms up.
quite different from the way it used to do and I guess it does yet
at home, rains and turns cold.
When we came over the people over here, soldiers and all,
would laugh when we said the war would be over by Christmas, they
would say two years or more at the very least, australians and
english were not careing much, that it was lost and all the good
we would do would be just to prolong it a year or two and then
loose for good. Well when we got into the swing things changed and
did so touit de suite. Bulaaria quit Sept 30, Turkey Oct 31 and
Austria Nov 4. Now Germany herself from reports we get. Well that
is a better record than I ever expected when I arrived over here
myself. The idea of being all over by Xmas did look rather far
fetched to most all of us. but that was the slogan and if it is
not going to be a fact its going to come awfully close to being.
Some of the soldiers took heart when we began coming over in such
large numbers, but there was a decided change in their feelings
when they seen us take hold and adapt ourselves to the work in
such a whole sould way, and all the average American has to do is
look the situation over and he almost knows what is up to him to
do. a few instructions and he is ready, quite different from most
of the countries over here. But with all this they could not see
how much could be done yet this year. well as a matter of fact one
hell of a lot has happened since July 4 and she has been going
full steam ahead every since it started toward germany and I guess
those pig headed lying bastards are beginning to see the americans
don't have to have 10 years training before they can learn how to
fight just as bloody well as they, and because Russia turned a
republic and they were her down fall is no sign the American
republic is made of anything anyways near like the uneducated
class of Russia and are the fools to believe their lies.
Germanys fall is hard for her to bear for she is sensative
and feels it more than you might think. Will be glad to see home
some time and have a good long talk. your loving son.
Paul B. Hendrickson
Hdq. co. 129 Inf. A.E.F. via N.Y.
"love to all"

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