 Letter, November 15, 1918 [Letter on color stationery
of the American Y.M.C.A.
Nov. 15 1918
Dear Father & Mother
Well mother I rec your letter of Oct 15th or it had just a 1
on it but envelope said 15th so I made it out as such. and that
was yesterday, and today I get the one dated Oct. 25. Am so glad
to know Guy is not in the training camps just now, he sure is a
lucky kid.
Those pictures Dell has been sending of Miles & Olan and Guy
in uniform and diff. other ones sure are good. Hope I get to see
you all before too long. I am so sorry tho the way every one is
getting the fluzey as you call it. Every one of the boys here gets
word from home just the same as I am. I am hoping you all pull
thru all O.K. for it would seem a shame, me over here going thru
what I have, with out even a scratch and there at home, where you
are so far away and safe from the huns to be taken with such a
disease. Seems funny a soldier in the front lines should have to
feel concerned in the safety of his loved ones at home. But as you
say, there is a time coming when things will not be such as they
are at present. Which cant be at all too soon.
You mentioned Ward Black, being home in interest of Red Cross
& Y.M.C.A. and being up in front line trenches. I dont want to
contridict any thing he might have said, but if he has been
working with the Y.M.C.A's he never saw the front lines or any
ways near them unless he is exceptional, and there may be such
cases, for in no instance can I remember of having seen any of
them with in at least a few miles of the front. For when one comes
within a few miles of us we make a bee line for him, and get what
little they have or will sell to any one man. Y.M.C.A.'s are doing
a wonderful work back at Paris and many other large towns & cities
I've been in, but up on the real - honest to God - front line -
never. I havent talked with a dough boy yet that ever said he saw
one up there where the most good could be done. It's been a shame
too the way they are lauded up and then you come to find out the
fellows who receive the most and nearly all the real benefit are
those, perhapps who have never seen the front lines at all.
It would surprise you now to know the number of men over here
who know nothing of front lines. Are in training camps over here
and they also have plenty of time to write home, for instance some
you mentioned writing twice a week. And when you consider that up
until present date I can count the number of weeks on my fingers
that I've been from under shell fire, you have an idea then why it
is I havent had an opportunity to write more than I did, no paper
at times, no Y.M.C.A.'s close enough that I could get it of and no
place to buy any. what are you to do. I'm afraid some people are
going to be sadly disallusioned when some of their regular front
line, fighting division lads come home. Am sorry to say there are
many who will never come home, and they are the red blooded ones
too who have shouldered the many blunts and the bloody
responsibility of which no one can describe and no one will ever
know other than those who have gone thru it. Our div. has not been
relieved from front line duty since Sept. 1. Our boys were
holding this sector when armistice was signed, you see when we
were in the states we were getting our training and as soon as we
got over here, have been doing real work ever since. French praise
us highly, Australians gave us wonderful praise when with them &
same with the English and what experience I've had with then I've
seen bloody good work done.
Well up until present no accident has befallen me, and I
haven't killed anyone either and am bloody glad of it too. I don't
like to kill chickens - much less men. Oh, of course cooties and
rats, I don't hesitate an instant on killing them.
In regards now to your letter of Oct. 25, I cant understand
Hoyt in the least. Its a bloody shame the way he treats his
parents and there isn't an officer over here so busy they cant
write to their folks and they have no trouble having them censored
for they do it them selves and it would not take me long to tell
him what I think about it, for I've been with Aunt quite a bit
down there and she was most nearly heart broken the way he showed
such indifference. I'd have more respect for an every day friend
than he shows for his father and mother, and the way they have
sacrificed for him and gave him the education which enabled him to
make the advancement he has and especially get started with a
commission, which is an asset to any man. And Aunt deserves best
treatment for she sure has been a loyal mother to her son. But I
guess the ones that receive the most appreciate it the least. I
sure had some fine talks with Aunt while down there, she was my
mother for fair. Pearl sent me some pictures and I have one like
you sent, but will keep this one and bring it home.
Am so glad to know you got my money order. I guess I will
keep and bring home the rest of my money, and not take any chance
on it getting lost. And the allotments will be late I know. And
you want to get ready to pay up your indebtedness, for I am quite
unreasonable with those that owe to me.
Your garden has surely been doing good this summer and fall
and if it keeps on this winter. And I'll tell you it is getting to
be winter over here. Real sharp tonight. You ought to see our home
in the woods. Can crawl up into an observatory post in some large
tree and see hundreds of sq. miles of France and Germany. These
dugouts are "made by germans" and are good ones. Hilly, yea gods,
I haven't been able to walk on level ground for so long I wont
know how to act when I do get to level country. and mud - slide
around like you were on ice instead of dirt, jove but it is slick.
My lodging places are no better than before coming in the band, I
am still cpl; in the band tho, get $4 more on the month. Captain
dont seem to care to reduce me, but I think he will soon. But will
do my duties as a corporal so long as they leave me such. I can
handle now a better grade of music than ever before for this chief
we have is an old man at the business and knows the way to handle
a real band, and I wish you could hear us play now. Are gaining a
reputation every place we play. But we work. are getting new music
right along now, and good, hard, standard music too.
Speaking of music makes me think of you mentioning Mary
Headly having fluzy. I hope I get to see her some time. It sure
would be interesting to meet her and have a little chat after our
long silence.
I expect Fleda will find me stale tho on solo work as I don't
get any of that, but altogether, being in the work and with the
musical influence around you all the time, I sure will be some
better for my experience, than if I was not in it at all, even tho
I am not working on solos. And I will be able to step into a
pretty good band and play at least 1st or 2nd cornet parts without
any trouble. Sure get a world of practice, two rehearsals a day of
more than an hour each besides a concert every evening it is not
too cold when we go to reg. Hdq. to play retreat.
The band boy's are all a nice looking lot of fellows, and
intelligent too. And the lawyer & bro. mason that helps me so
much, I sure think more of him all the time.
Every one else here has gone to bed. only time I can write is
at nite as we are busy all day long. Our captain is taking such an
interest in our work and our personal appearance is trying to get
all uniforms alike, overcoats all alike, and new caps and we all
wear our little gold service stripe now and look real nobby -
considering. For front line trench fellows we look extremely well
dressed. Our band had to go in as stretcher bearers, one fellow
got his face burned by a tracer bullet from a jerry plane, but no
one was killed or wounded. Certainly was lucky too. Well mother,
they cant send me home too soon, if it is now over - which we all
sincerly hope is the case. I never had the least idea of being
alive at the end of the war, when I came over, but now they say
its over and me without a scratch or even lungs affected by gas
(thanks to resperator) (or mask as commonly called) and never
killed a man - I feel good so far. Now I want to see good Old
U.S.A. will close with a world of love for all.
Your loving son.
Paul B Hendrickson
Hdq. Co. 129 Inf. A.E.F. via N.Y.

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