Letter, November 27, 1918 [Letter on color stationery of the Y.M.C.A., Union Franco-Américaine. Received December 20, 1918]
Nov. 27, 1918
Dear Cecil -
Will write you a few lines tonite. I got your letter of Oct
29 yesterday. When you wrote you said "tomorrow will be
Hallowe'en". I say tomorrow will be thanksgiving day.
We won't have turkey, cranberry sauce, cake - ice cream & all
the other things that go to make up a regular thanksgiving dinner,
but its going to be a regular thanksgiving day tho - that's not
saying that I havent had quite a few of them in the past few
months. Nov 11 was a thanksgiving day without doubt.
So mother hasen't been home much in the past few months. From
what she writes me, I judge as much, for I get a couple letters
from her at home and next one will be from Crawford.
So you are learning to dance. That is something I have
learned very little of. I wish I knew how. But am not grieving
because I do not know how. for there is so much I don't know that
I wish I did, and things that are really important too. I am glad
you are staying in the office as you like it so much better than
the other work and that is what makes things run smoothly - work
that you like. It does not seem like work. you enjoy doing it.
I sure appreciate your wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving, and
it got here just in time.
You can tell your mother I appreciate her message, but that I
haven't a cold and rats & cooties are not so bad at all now. But
home seems most too good a thing to be true. I guess by the time I
get home it will be a good two years since last I've been there.
for I'll be lucky to be there by 1st of April.
So all your dear friends seem to leave - do any of them ever
come back or do you ever expect them back? I don't or haven't made
any dear friends since being in the Army. No use up until now for
you never knew just how long you or any one was going to live.
There is only one fellow I know now in this regiment from
Well we still rehearse twice a day. I sure am glad I am doing
my self some good now in this line, for if I were in the sig's yet
I would now be drilling and would have nothing accomplished when I
return. This way I may be in shape to entertain myself and maybe
Well dear little pal - will close hoping you have a much
happier thanksgiving than I expect to have.
Paul B Hendrickson. Hdq. Co. 129 Inf.