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Letter, December 2, 1918

[Letter on plain stationery. Received December 31, 1918.]

Dec 2 - 1918 -

My dear Cecil -

Here goes - using your writing paper again. I rec- your letter of Nov 6. I sure do like this paper much better than I get at the Y.M.C.A. And it has been so long since seeing any place large enough to buy anything at.

I am sorry to hear of you having symptoms of flu. I dont suppose you will be able to get by without having your turn at it. I do so hope it soon dies down. For it has taken so many now.

So you have been letting your music drop a bit. Am sorry to hear it. I suppose when you return to study you will let it go more than ever. Well education is what one needs, but entertainment is just as essential I think as anything. One lives for enjoyment to a great extent and I never realized how much it is required in our make up until getting over here and not having any at all for over six months. So dont become interested in one thing so much that you will become out of touch with the others. You may not think so now, but later in life you will be glad for every minutes study you devote to music. I have little faith in music as a business proposition, for you can hardly make it pay when you consider the time and money you invest to place your self in a position to make any thing out of it. But that is not the only benifit of music. It is also a great addition to the accomplishments that make one an interesting person. That is one thing a person wants to do. Make them selves as interesting as possible. Hard to do. It is for me, I know. About the hardest thing I know.

I live with myself most too much, forget there are people around me who might enjoy talking with me. And with one fellow I have to talk business and in no joking way - he likes to talk with me, while others I have to kid them and never in earnest about any thing. takes every thing as a joke. And many other things a person has to think about while being with others as I have in the past months and being as agreable as possible.

I appreciate your feeling toward me in regard to my little advice to you. I am glad to know you give it that much consideration.

I dont want you to follow any of it if you have the least feeling to the contrary; for after all it is only my idea. It is what I think best yet it may not be best always. For there are so many ways looking at things. My ideas may give you another angle of consideration which is always a help even tho you would not follow them. I do want to encourage you in your work for I know how easy it is for one to give up - just when they should be working the hardest.

I agree with you when you said you would be glad when I could come home and talk with me. I want to be there enough, there is no doubt about that. But it will be long at the very soonest.

I well remember the friendship bracelet of yours. I also remember the one I gave Pearl. I sure wont know her when I get back.

No doubt you will be surprised to hear of some of the things I've seen. for I've seen a god's plenty. And you can hardly describe things on paper. takes so long.

I know there are things you probly will not believe even when I tell you, but I sure can do a better job talking than writing.

So will not attempt to describe much now as I expect to be home before many months.

Before the war ended I tried to tell as much as I could as I never knew how long I would live and had no idea I would be among the lucky ones to come thru alive and wanted to folks to know as much as possible, but now I am going to cut down on that part and leave it to tell. Hoping you come thru all ok with the Flu. I remain as ever your true Pal -

Paul B Hendrickson Hdg. co. 129 Inf.


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December 1918















