 Letter, December 26, 1918 [Letter on color stationery
of the American Y.M.C.A. Received January 27, 1919.]
Ettelbruck, Luxemburg - Dec. 26 1918
Dear Father & Mother
I have your letters of Nov 17 - 26 & 30 here and am sure glad
for the one of the 30th as that one lets me know you have rec the
word of the 11th of Nov. Your letter of 26 and the Xmas box came
day before Xmas and letter of 30th came on Xmas. So you see I have
had a regular Xmas after all. And the box, had I fixed one and put
in just what I wanted I don't believe it would have looked much
different - Those Hearseys were the first I've had in Europe -
also the chips and the box of candy. Made me think more than ever
of home. I get so hungry for some of those candies, and the only
thing here I can get in line of candies are like lemon drops -
little pieces to suck on. a hearsey bar would cost you at least
5F. or in other words a dollar. Things of that nature are awfully
high. Pie, 2 dollars and nothing like the ones we get at home. So
you see we can't afford as much sweets as we desire after 6 or 7
months doing on such a little, for we desire a heap of it.
For Christmas dinner our band played while the boys ate. Then
we came last and a hungry bunch we were and did justice to a good
feed - Menu - Roast pork, with apple sauce, Brown gravy, Roast
chicken with dressing, Mashed potatoes, Salad, Butter, Coffee, Ice
cream (first since coming over), Christmas cake, cigars,
cigarettes, candy and Luxemburg Liquors (Beer). And our company
fed close on to 400 men. Sure is some work for a set of cooks to
produce a meal like that one was and for that many men. And our
efforts were also appreciate, for every one seems to care more for
music than when in the states for there are no shows and that
makes the band quite popular amongst the companies of the Reg.
Last Sunday we played a concert for one company and after it
was over the Capt of the company took us in a big Cafe and set up
the drinks for us all. When they treat you like that, then you
feel as if they realy mean it.
I guess we are permanently settled here for the companies are
drilling as in Logan, and for us - We are so busy playing for
guard mount at 10 a.m. and parades Battalion and regimental
parades. also give concert at Divisional Hdq. once a week. we
hardly have time for a band rehearsal any more. Seems we play for
everything. Just in from playing for an inspection of transports
and am nearly froze. Its awfully cold standing around. Snow on the
ground. Had a white Xmas here, there was no snow on the ground
when we went to bed, but was covered when we got up Xmas morning
and is still white. We have to play now all afternoon out on a big
wind swept parade grounds. She's going to be a cold one.
Well if we can't come home, it is better we stay right here.
For we have a very fine place. I've sent a card picture &
described it before, and I'm telling you we feel lucky to have so
good a place. On our long hike we slept in most every imaginable
place. Barns, school houses, empty halls, a prison & a castle. I
guess thats about all. Cooties & fleas every place we went until
now, am getting pretty well rid of them as every thing is so clean
here and we can bathe as often as we want to in a big tub; hot
water & cold shower and we have plenty of room; tables, chairs and
all the comforts that could be expected, only a three minutes walk
down town where there is wine, women & song; very pretty cafe's
and we are enjoying ourselves as best we can, but there is one
thing we all want, - to come home.
Mother, once in a while a letter comes out in the Watseka
papers and I also noticed one was printed in a Danville paper,
written by a young Watseka attorney or sometimes mentioned as
lawyer, Elmer Taylor. If you ever see any - save them. he writes
fine letters; is a fine man. Studies hard, got me interested in
good literature, and one of the greatest helps I have. I think
I've mentioned him before, a bro in the lodge and every other way.
So if you read anything of his, you can take it as of me, as well;
in regards to our service over here, we share the same, sleep
together and are together all the time. He is of about the same
serious nature as myself - likes fun and all that, but are moments
when we wish to have confidential talks & discussions, so we take
a long walk and talk or study over the matter at hand. He is a
help to me in every way. Being 32 or 3 years old - a graduate from
Ohio Northern University in law - and having practiced law, and a
deep thinker too, just to associate with him and hear his ideas on
things we talk of is making good use of my time, his influence is
absolutely for the good. he is unhampered in regards religion,
like myself belongs to no church, but a firm believer in God. I
have a greater admiration for him the longer I associate with him;
and he has confidence enough in me to talk of the intimate things
of his life and his future plans, and gives me many good bits of
advice. something he does with no one else. Also gives me some one
to feel the same relationship with. For what we talk of in this
way - goes no farther, gives him the chance to benefit but putting
his ideas into words and me the benefit by hearing them.
We went together to visit the ruins of the Old Citidel I sent
you a card of. Built by Louis 14th - completed year 1123. I am
safe in saying we got more good out of the visit to those old
ruins than any other two in the company. It was a very few who
could leave the hotels & cafes long enough to go up on the cliff
and visit the place. I an Elmer spent the whole afternoon going
over the ruins, letting ourselves go back to 1123 - if possible,
and figure out, by the remains, how it must have been and how they
must have lived, and as regards the history of Old Louis 14th - we
wondered of the many things that must have happened within those
walls that the world knows nothing of. We both got to experience
in reality the desires of our child hood - to visit an old castle
on a high cliff. They are very high above the town quite a climb
up - and first you go into a defense portion, walls 8 ft and
possibly more in thickness, firing holes and all. Thru that up a
beautifull drive into the great court of the one time Palace. Of
the living portion or Palace the floors are gone but a great
ammount of the walls remains; looking out from these windows on
the very point of the cliff is a wonderful sight. Looking straight
down is the city far below - a straight drop down and the most
picturesque valley - words cannot describe it. The gardens on one
side - almost a hundred feet straight down reached by a long
flight of stone stairs, laid out in a pretty design - with a path
leading out to a shaded little nook, where there is a stone table
and stone seats - and from this point, looking most straight down
over the tops of fir trees into the river. The drive leading down
into the Valley where the city is - is lined on each side by a row
of ever greens - which touch it off wonderfully.
In all, I never spent such an afternoon in all my life, and
with just the right kind of company to receive the full enjoyment
of the occasion. We also put our names on the guest book.
The long hike - all the way thru was a most interesting one.
Going out of France, into Lorraine and into Luxemburg. Mother this
little country is my ideal of a beautiful country. So clean all
the way thru. their roads are beautifull drives. smooth as a
floor, every inch of land possible under cultivation. Where too
hilly for grain, it is terraced & truck raised. Its marvelous what
can be produced off of such a small piece of land. Thrift. People
look well-to-do, dress neat and some rather expensive. Industry
and cleanliness marks the whole country. Hospitable as ever you
saw anyone. We are treated here with greatest respect, they seem
to be anxious to associate with us. many among us speak their
language well and some of them speak English. They are generous,
surprisingly so, when you consider the cost of things over here.
And always a crowd out when we play. We are close of Diekirch,
Div. Hdq. and if you see a map of Luxemburg, of any size at all, I
think you will find Diekirch on it. I am sorry I did not tell you
long ago that I am in the Thirty Third division.
Well I've been intertained by French girls and now by
Luxemburg or german girls, like one as well as the other, but can
hardly wait until I can again be intertained by an American girl,
they are my preference always.
Well Mother I am sorry now I got so impatient about the
clippings, for I know you felt bad; when you did it, I know, with
best of intentions. But I wanted news from home so bad I begrudged
them their little space in the envelop. I don't believe you can
realize just what a letter from you ment to me; and does yet.
Clippings of things happening at home are intiresting, such as you
sent in last letter, but things pertaining to what we were doing
over here - knew too much already. Want to forget, some of it at
least, as soon as I can.
Am glad you are rec. allotments; bonds will probly show up
some time. hope so at least, for $150 is not so easy made - that I
would enjoy giving it away, just for the pleasure of giving.
Anyway I feel I have sacraficed enough as it is; not hesitating at
any time to give my all, if need be. You expressed a thot in
reference to my being there to soil my gown next time, that has
come into my mind many times, "If I ever get home, I'm afraid I
will have to keep pinching my self to see if it really is so, or
if it is only a dream." Dont stop writing to me. For lord knows
how much longer we may be over here. Haven't the least hopes now
of being home soon, and nothing to judge from, and not even a
thing to give us an idea when we may get started. So write just as
always. And tell Fleda she won't be the only one who will cry for
joy, if I ever get to see you all again. I try not to think too
much of home for it seems rather much in the future at best. But
am hoping we all live to see the day even tho it may not be as
soon as we at first thot, and hoped so much for. Flu has not
bothered us hardly at all. Am feeling as well as ever I did in my
life - anxious to be home and doing something, for about all I get
out of this is a little general knowledge of the people - their
customs, and some beautiful scenery & some rare old sights, such
as the old ruins.
I am glad to hear my clothes are so ready to be occupied, and
in such good shape as you say they are - for I don't imagine I am
going to be able to buy a great deal - the way I imagine prices
now are. So the ones at home may do all O.K. until I can get on my
feet again, and settled back into civil life which will probly
take me longer than I think. I'm afraid I'll want to visit too
much. I'll tell you I can hardly wait to see home again, for it
won't be long now until my 2 year period will be up and I'm
telling you they have been the longest 2 years of my life, but
interesting, very educational and pretty bloody exciting at times.
I would not take anything for the experiences I've had and what
I've learned in those months. I can't say my time is entirely
wasted as it is, but I feel I could be making so much better use
of it if home, as the danger seems to be over, yet I suppose they
know best, for there may be more danger than we think, and its
cheaper to keep a good army over here than take it home and have
to bring it back again.
About going to school over here or in England I understand
provisions were made for some officers, but that is all I ever
heard of and I would not stay even if I had chance to. You need
not worry but that I will be home just as soon as I can.
I suppose by time you rec. my letter Guy will be home. Sure
is lucky for him. He got a touch of the war alright but none of
the real hard part of it. For it was a great old war over in the
states, I enjoyed it real well, but have had very little to enjoy
since coming over until just the last few days. And too, there is
enjoyment in being where you can talk and be understood. I hate to
have to learn a new language for every state (or country it is
over here.) I go into. And when I do meet with nice people such a
little can be said that it is provoking.
That was some article about Paralee wedding and very
interesting. Wish I could have seen her married. All my old
friends I guess are now married. Well I wish them all happiness,
and hope to make up for my lost 2 years when I get home, but not
by getting married.
And a word about Maude in regards to the Xmas box. I realize
the position you were placed in - you, I am sure did not feel like
calling up people and asking them if they had any thing to send
your son, and knowing her as I do, I feel she is somewhat touchy -
she probly thinks she has a right to be but I can't see it that
way - and you did the proper thing. while I know she feels sorry
yet it can't be helped and I guess she has no one to blame but her
self. I appreciate her desire to send and attempt she made - tho
she did not get it to me.
Yes mother - it seems that things are coming to pass very
swiftly and the bible and your teachings (to me) from childhood
have served me well. Have been more or less prepared all along and
can see a cause for all this that others cannot, and feel more
confident in regards the future, because up until present date -
things have come to pass as fore told, hundreds of years ago, and
that increases my faith more than ever, and it seems reasonable to
believe if it has happened so closely as foretold, up until
present, there is no reason why it should not continue so until
the end.
Well - I wont get to write so soon again - for we have so
much to do and I go down town a great deal as it is my first
chance for a little enjoyment, but will do best I can. I haven't
got you much word since our hike began - in shape of letters. I am
glad tho my letters seem interesting to you - I don't give them
much thot in that way - just sit here and try as best I can to
tell you of some of the things I want you to know. Its my earnest
hope you are well and are having no trouble with the flu. With
love to all - your son
Paul B. Hendrickson -
Hdq. co - 129 Inf. 33rd. Div. A.E.F.