Letter, January 22, 1919  [Letter on color stationery
of the American Y.M.C.A. Received February 18, 1919.]
Jan 22 1919
Ettelbrück Lux.
My dear Cecil,
In answer to your letter of Dec. 22. I haven't much time,
but as I have some cards I want you to have - I will write a
little along with them.
I was very sorry to learn of your cousins death. I remember
her well altho I never became very well acquainted with her. And
as you say - it seems sad to have anything like that to happen so
close to Xmas.
Cecil - I do wish you could hear some of our rehearels now.
We are getting music where I am glad if I can play 3rd & 4th
trumpet parts. Some of the French standard overtures, their
arrangement especially, is hard, for each individual instrument
has a different part - essential, to produce the required effect.
Even tho you play a 3rd or 4th chair part, you are needed in
some places as bad as the solo man. For maybe where you play, he
will have a few measures rest.
It is very different from American arrangements. They are
full - more full than any arrangements I've seen. Some of the
chords in a fff part simply raise you off your feet. We have one
heavy march that is just wonderful. And 2 & 3 hours every morning
spent rehearsing, playing marches and concerts every afternoon,
puts a band in a place where they can play good music.
The 302 F artillery gave us some good pieces, such as
Orpheus, William Tell and some others must as good - because they
could not handle them & wanted some popular music. so we gave
them all the popular stuff they wanted as some of it we played
only once, and when we saw what it was - never put it up again.
Am sending you a picture of the band and the only one of
myself taken over here. You will probly recognize no 1 as me. No
2 is Elmer Taylor - the lawyer from Watseka, who I am with all
the time. No 3 is Bill Hackley of Danville. His folks live 1118
Franklin St. No 4 is our leader - chief - or band master. And a
very able man he is. Many years experience leading bands and has
confidence and seems to be possessor of the knack of getting all
out of you that will come out. We are getting together a 4 & 5
act entertainment - rehearsing on that of nites. If all goes
well, it will be as good as any I've seen over here.
I told you in my last letter of playing for the Duchess.
Well she abdicated and her younger sister Charlotte who is just
my age is the high lady of Luxemburg now. They live in this
castle I am sending pictures of. To the right the ground raises
up into a mountain, on left, it drops down into the valley.
The heavy wall surrounding the castle is not shown in the
I certainly am thankful for the many priveleges I've had
lately, getting to see the things of greatest interest to me over
here. in truth, they would be my main object for a foreign trip.
And should I make a tour, I would not have the privelege of
seeing a Royal family in their own home. Anyway I am getting
enough foreign sights and notes to do me the rest of my life and
would be only too glad now to get home and prepare myself for
some real work. We are all anxious to get home and on to
something where we will consider our time well spent. I suppose
some day we will get home tho.
Anticipation - you seem to have the right idea of what it
means - as appeals to me at least. For if there was no such
thing, life would be dull where you often find it very bright
now. Anticipation and ambition mean a great deal in a persons
And if you have good common sense along with those too you
are bound to advance.
Jan 23 - I did not get letter off yesterday and today I rec
your letter of Jan 1. You have made a good start, I must say. I
am not doing so well myself.
So you are better on popular music than when I was at home.
It is not so hard once you get the swing of it. I notice in our
band work, popular music is much different & hard at first, but
once you get the idea, it goes not too bad.
Don't get discouraged & get afraid of your tests. Get
confidence. you will have to study hard enough to become familiar
with your work to the entent that you can have confidence in your
self. But you should look forward to your tests as a means of
proving your ability to pass on to more advanced work. When you
can do that, you have the spirit of the work & you will sure make
I dont know what we are being kept over here for unless as
resistance troops, we are occupation troops for Luxemburg is all.
Well dear little friend will close for this evening & answer
mothers letter as I rec. one from her today - will love to all &
hope to be with you before I am much older.
Paul B Hendrickson Hdq. Co. 129 Inf. A.E.F.