 Postcard, May 20, 1919 [front] [back]
[Postcard of the Y.M.C.A., Ocean Transport Service.]
Name: Paul Hendrickson
Unit: Hdq. Co. 129 Inf. Band
Vessel: Leviathan.
May 20. My dear Cecil -
Well, soon I won't have to write to you. Am certainly
looking forward to that time and I guess now its only a matter of
days. This is a fine easy riding ship we are coming home on, so
large and fast, going ahead of vessels having left a few days
before us. Only a day more now and our trip is about finis. We
are playing quite a bit, but thats all we do. I am afraid we are
due for a longer stay in NY. than we had hoped for. But we will
be in U.S & that is the main thing just now. the rest comes in a
few days surely.
as ever