 Letter, May 23, 1919 [Letter on color stationery of the Army and Navy Y.M.C.A.]
May 23- 1919
Camp Merritt N.Y.
My dear Cecil-
Today I rec. your letters of May 4th and 18th. Also mothers
letter of May 3- if you don't mind telling her so. I just wrote
and mailed her letter just before I received the one mentioned.
Well from what you and mother say - they must have a pretty
good phonograph. I know I will enjoy it, and as you say - little
did I think of them getting one, sure came as a surprise.
You speak of having my camera & some music & a book. I know
you will take good care of it, so I would not worry if you had
the rest of the stuff, so far as its being taken care of is
concerned. So don't worry, for I'm not.
I've had a hundred times, more reasons for worry and never
did, so I won't begin now.
There are a few times in our lives when we look back over
them, seems just like either a wonderful dream or a terrible one.
Our intense service in the front, seems like a night mare as I
remember it once in a while, and the trip to Nice just the
reverse. A wonderful romantic fairy tale. Also the one nite of
all my life - when I met all of you folks at the Depot on my way
accross - the one instance you mentioned. That nite never has
seemed real to me yet. It was so little anticipated, for it was
more than I had any possible grounds to hope for, and came as one
of the most pleasant and needed experiences of my life, for I
left U.S. with more peace of mind than any things else on earth
could have given me. I am
sure it had practically the same effect on mother, if not others,
if I may claim so much.
Again - I am living in a constant dream right now. I am in
the most wonderful country on earth, so why should it not seem
like a dream to me. This is realy, honest to God - America, the
only place on earth worth while. People here in Civilian life,
speak the same language I do. that fact has not yet lost its
novelty. It was a dream come true as I stood on one of the high
points of the Old Leviathans forward deck, the greatest ship in
the world, and watched the Statue of Liberty come into view and,
standing there a manifestation of the greatest principle of our
country, a great and silent welcome to all who comes this way -
we stood there watching with a reverential silence, until over
come by our emotions we burst into one wild roar of cheering, as
the great ship, slipped noislesly by into the harbor. That
incident lives as a picture in my mind, or as a dream and I can
hardly make myself realy believe I lived it. Yet its so.
I've experienced some of the most varied emotions and
sensations in the past few months, I believe it possible for a
human to experience in so short a time, for coming out of the
battle field, after having made up my mind for the worst, is as
near experiencing a ressurection as any thing I could describe it
as being.
I know the last 25 months - nearly 26 it is - has made some
change in me. I hope most of it has been for the better and will
be a credit to me - but I know it hasn't all been for the
betterment of me, and I do hope this percentage is very small -
but time will tell. I can't judge myself as you and others will
do. so it all waits to be seen if I've stood the test; for its
been a test of the rawest kind imaginable.
This is a fine camp. Everything here a soldier could expect
in a camp. So different from anything I've seen in the last year.
It's been a fine war for the soldiers who were priveleged to
fight it over here.
Well on May 23, 1918 I landed in France, and on May 22, 1919
I landed in U.S. Comes very near being a year to the day.
Cecil, I was not kidding you, in any thing I said about the
picture. You've had no reasons to doubt me in the past and I'm
glad you're not now, I only want you to feel more safe on the
So you're no judge of your looks, and I'll have to judge for
myself. Well I will, and I have a sneaking feeling I won't be
dissapointed. But I'll be honest with on the subject, and if you
ever want to know just what I think of it, I'd advise you to come
right out and ask for what you want to know.
I will close, as I've spent quite a bit of time, paper &
energy and have said very little of news or of importance, write
if you wish, for I won't be home too soon, even yet. With love as
Paul Hendrickson

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