Letter, June 25, 1917 [Letter on stationery of the Army and Navy Y.M.C.A.]
June 25 1917
Dear Father
I thot I would write as I now have a little time and it is about too hot to do anything else. Weather is fine tho and sleeping in these tents this kind of weather is finest thing going. Don't believe I've felt better since I was a kid.
What work we have don't seem like work and none of it is hard on you at all.
The talk now is that I may get to come home last of July or August. But we won't know for sure until we are on the train on our way home. So don't say anything about it to anyone, for I don't want anyone to be dissapointed but myself if I don't get to come.
Do you know when mother will be home. Do you think she will be home by that time. I wish it was possible for her to be there now, for I feel like the work she is doing now is going to get the best of her. There has been so much for her to bear in the last couple months she may be more all in than we think. And how are you making it. Are you still running things at home by your self.
Our payday was a few days ago. I started an account of $15 here in the Quincy bank. The reason I did that was because if I did get to come home soon I would have something to come home on, at a days notice. And also - $25 is the least you can start an account with, but the bank made an exception with me and let me in on $15.
The River is not near so high now - It is on the inside of its banks. Water seems to be off nearly all the low grounds.
The Machine gun Company has five Ford trucks now. painted olive drab. They have one more coming and two more machine guns. That will make them six of each. They also have 74 men in their company - full war strength they say.
Our band is having quite a bit of drilling to do here lately. Yesterday afternoon was certainly hot we had to sit out in the sun for church and then concert, altogether about 2 1/2 hours starting at 2 oclock. Then we had supper and after that was dress parade. Certainly is some drill to that. Went to bed early as most always do and get up about 4 or 5 oclock. Go down to the spring of cold water and wash up. That sure puts life into you. I have had some pictures taken here and if I can get some prints of them I will send you some so you can have an idea of what our camp life is like. There are eight in our tent and 4 of them have cameras. I ought to be able to get some pretty good pictures out of the bunch.
We had quite a crowd out here yesterday too. Always is tho on Sunday after noon people come out from town to hear concert. and to see the boys. We go down town two nights a week till 11:45 P.M. and are off on Sat. afternoons. Well I had better close for this time - and write again. Please write to me.
Your loving son -
Paul B.