 Letter, July 16, 1917 [Letter on stationery of the Army and Navy Y.M.C.A.]
Quincy Ills - %5th Reg Band July 16 1917
My dear Mother
Well I guess you know my train was 2 hours late in Danville. But had that much less to stay in Decatur. I could have left Danville at 2:40 and made it alright, as that train was right on time. And our Quincy train is due in here at 11:25 and we got in at 11:10 and I was out here at camp at 11:35. I certainly was lucky all the way thru from time I left here till I got back. Having the Ford to get around in, I got to see so many people I knew. And train getting in here on such good time before my pass expired, seemed like everything just went fine.
I felt sorry for Maude; her old man acting as he did, rather upset her. and you can't wonder that it did either.
They report that we have a case of small pox here in camp. I hope not. for it will quaranteen the whole camp if it gets started. That sure would be tough luck. Well I am almost cought up with my sleep now. I slept on train Sat. night and quite a bit at Decatur, and most all the way to Quincy. and in the afternoon it rained so we did not have concert. and rained so we did not have dress parade, so I had nearly all afternoon and all night for sleep. I was pretty punk for rehearsal until it was almost over then I began to wake up and take hold again. four days off sure tells on you when you do as much playing as we do here.
It seems almost like home to get back here again and into our regular work. Our work is not as hard on me or as tiresome as the visit home was, as I was in a hurry most of the time there, trying to see as much as possible. But that visit, as short as it was, has done me a world of good. Of course we can write but to be right there and talk to you is what counts. We are making preparations to leave here by Aug 5. so if we are called it wont take us by surprise and catch us with our pants down. Will close for this time. With love from your son I am
Paul B.

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