Letter, August 1, 1917 [Letter on stationery of the Army and Navy Y.M.C.A.]
Quincy Ills - Aug 1 1917
% 5th Reg Band
Dear Cecil -
Just got a letter from mother saying you were at home, so thot I would write a few lines, and also send one of my little camp pictures. not very large but a real good little picture. Is sure true to life, here. I am going to send mother another one of my pictures. And you want to see it for it is better than this one for it is larger. If I can get the negative I will have some pictures made for me and send you one of them too.
And how did you enjoy the trip. I would guess you had a fine time. Only I should not wonder and it was pretty tiresome at times. I have an idea I will get to see some of the U.S. and maybe Europe before this time next year. Some people don't think we will tho. I would really like to go. There would be lots of hard work if we do go, but I can't help but have a desire to get over there just the same.
This is sure a fine day here. It is cloudy and the wind is blowing some. Quite different from yesterday. It was so hot and still.
I guess the band is going out tonight to the amusement park where the musicians here are giving a picnic. And tomorrow night we play for an entertainment here in the Y.M.C.A. tent. Just played for one last night.
We now have full band, all that the government will allow us to have. They also furnish instruments, but the cornets are punk. little short model old style cornets. I am going to keep my own.
I was told that two more companies of the 5th Reg. were coming to Quincy. If so there will be, Head quarters co., Machine gun Co.[,] F co., D co., E co., here. average over 100 men to each company. Sure make some bunch of soliders out here in the park won't it?
I hardly think now that we will get to go to Springfield to mobolize. and not before the first of September if we go then.
They are doing all they can in the South to keep the soldiers up here. And I don't mind staying in Quincy for the people here sure treat us fine.
And our work here is not hard, and such pretty scenery here too. And each evening for dress parade about 6:30. This place is full of people, more so on Sunday because every body can get away easy. All want to come out and hear the band and watch the marching.
Sure is a wonderful sight for any one who has never seen what a bunch of drilled men looks like.
We sure get open air here and all we want. I picked up my cot last night and took it outside and slept there with nothing but my blanket over me.
Well Cecil you must write when you can and tell me about your trip. would sure be glad to hear from you again. Will close for this time, looking for a letter soon I am as ever your friend -
Paul B.