 Postcard, May 1, 1917  [Postcard to Miss Cecil Rife -- Scene: Fifth Infantry Armory, Quincy, Ill.]
Quincy Ills - %Armory Hall - May 1 - 1917
My dear friend -
Have been wanting to write to you for some time, but had to have your number sent to me - Am getting along just fine. We drill with band. And with head quarters company - play for parade and concert. Are busy most all the time. none of it very hard. but yet something for us to do to make the time move along. Picture shows and street car service is all free to the uniforms so our pleasure and pass time does not cost us very much. And the Armory is something like a hotel on inside - swell place for the boys. we eat at a hotel. Hoping you and all are well[.]
I am yours - Paul B -