Newspaper Article, April 20, 1917 [Newspaper Article: The Quincy Daily Journal, April 20, 1917, p. 12]
More Than 8,000 Persons
Take Part in Monster Pa-
rade Staged Yesterday
Largest Patriotic Demonstration Ever
Held in Quincy Carried Out With
Success in Every Detail Yes-
terday Afternoon
The Lexington day parade has demonstrated the patriotic feeling of the citizens of Quincy and as marshal of the parade, I wish to extend thanks to all marching organizations and expecially to the little children of the schools who braved the rain. The committees and citizens who organized the demonstration did very creditable work and the size and character of the parade is their best reward. To my chief of staff, Col. Center, all marshals of divisions, Otto Worl and all citizens who helped in moving the parade, I extend my thanks.
More than 8,000 persons, including 4,000 school children, and more than 400 automobiles formed a four mile procession as a feature of the biggest patriotic demonstration ever seen in Quincy, yesterday afternoon. Probably 10,000 persons thronged the down town streets and watched the procession which took more than an hour to pass.
When the Lexington alarm was sounded by boat and factory whistles at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon it seemed as if all of Quincy responded, one-half taking part in the poarade, the principal feature of the patriotic celebration, and the other half lining the walks and curbings watching the demonstration.
Quincy, the city that two weeks ago like many other mid-Western cities had failed to become greatly excited over the war declaration and was accused by some of a lack of patriotism, yesterday staged probably a larger patriotic demonstration than any city its size in the entire country has put on during the present war.
No less than 8,000 persons took part in the gigantic parade, which was several miles long, and which it took more than an hour and a quarter to pass a given point. Probably more persons crowded the down town streets in spite of the threatening rain and watched the demonstration than at any previous celevration ever held in Quincy.
When the committee planning the demonstration asked that flags be flown by every one they expected a large display of the national emblem, but even their fondest hopes were far outdone in the display that was arranged on Quincy streets yesterday. Paraders entering the down town streets passed between two human walls, over the tops of which seemed nothing but a field of red, white and blue. Flags of all sizes, from the miniature emblem worn on coat labels to the 40-foot banner carried by the Chaddock boys in the parade, were in evidence.
Alarm Is Sounded
Promptly at 2 o'clock the ferry boat whistle sounded its siren blast, thus starting the Lexington signal that was picked up in turn by every factory in the city and for more than five minutes the roar of whistles even in the downtown districts was almost deafening.
Committee Expresses Thanks.
The general committee in charge of the Lexington day celebration, wishes to thank the chairmen and members of the various committees and sub-committees, the heads of schools, public and parochial, the speakers of the afternoon and evening, the directors and members of the various choirs, the Chaddock Boys' school, the Chamber of Commerce Glee club, and the bands, all of which so generously supplied the music, the civic organizations, the veterans, the W. R. C., the officers and men of the military organizations and all the citizens who so spontaneously and generously contributed their part to make the day a great success.
Vice Chairman
The parade formed at Eighth and Vermont streets and the formation was completed exactly on time so that when the signal was sounded the marching began. Due to the executive work by Brig. Gen. Henry R. Hill and his chief of staff Lieut. Col. C. D. Center, the parade was carried through in a most successful manner with not a single accident and scarcely an interruption except occasionally for street car traffic.
The procession marched south from Eighth and Vermont streets circling the square and marching east to Eighth, south to State, east of Twelfth and back to the square. So long was the procession that the leading units were forced to wait at the corner of Fifth and Hampshire for the concluding automobiles in the procession to pass by, so they could get to the park and disband.
Chief of Police George Koch with a platoon of police under Sergeants Westmann and Riley headed the procession, followed closely by the Fifth Regiment band, Company F, the Machine Gun company and Headquarters company. Brig. Gen. Hill and Lieut. Col. Center, along with a number of mounted aides superintended the progress of the procession.
In addition to the military organizations the first division included a troop of Chaddock cadets carrying a large banner, several patrols of boy scouts, and a large number of veterans of the Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home.
With their detachment headed by a fife and drum corps the Civil war veterans, equally as many if not more in number than the soldiers of '17, forgot their ailments and marched as quickly and spryly as the boys they were following.
Marching quick step near the head of the parade the veterans were cheered continuously as they passed through thronged downtown streets. It is estimated that there were more than 200 veterans in the parade.
The Second Division
The Rotary club, the Ad club, Knights of Columbus, the Moose, and other local organizations formed marching clubs and made up the second division of the parade. A feature of this division was a half dozen young women attired in white and sailor blouses, carrying banners and signs representing the Quincy Naval Reservists who are now aboard the U. S. S. battleship Kansas. The young women were sweethearts and sisters of the sailors. Employes of Halbach-Schroeder under the direction of George Gabriel, made a fine showing in their white costumes, carring an immense American flag.
About 75 federal employees attired in uniform formed in section of the second division. The mail carriers worked through the noon hour and went without their luncheons in order to be in the parade.
Autos in Third
More than 400 automobiles comprised the third division of the parade and incidentally along with the automobiles parked along the street made one of the largest automobile displays ever seen in the city.
Members of the John Wood post G. A. R. and John Wood W. R. C., and many other organizations were represented in the automobile section of the parade.
Many of the smaller school children, too small to take part in the demonstration of they were forced to march, rode in automobiles.
School Children in Fourth Division
The fourth division comprised thousands of public and parochial school children, including little tots from six or seven years of age to the older high school students, and members of the Gem City Business college and the St. Francis college.
Drill in marching brought the St. Francis school delegation into prominence in this section of the parade for not only did the entire representation march in order, but while marching sang a number of patriotic songs. Rev. Father Didacus, rector of St. Francis church, marched with the children.
Although almost every automobile in the entire parade was decorated in some manner or at least adorned with flags, large and small, the most impressive was a float on which Miss Edna Sweet posed as Columbia with a sailor boy on one side and a soldier on the other, ready to protect the honor of America's patron.
Just as the concluding section of the parade has passed the corner of Fifth and Hampshire streets the skies which had been darkened and threatening during the day let loose a sprinkling of rain, which soon turned into a torrent.
However, the shower was short lived and scarcely a half hour later the sun was again out. The out of door exercises planned for Washington park were eliminated on account of the rain, but the program arranged at the Empire theater was carried out, with every seat in the theater filled, and many persons standing.
At the Empire Theater
F. W. Crane, general chairman of the day presided at the exercises at the Hippodrome and in opening the session said in part:
"Located as we are with a 1,000 miles of land and 3,000 miles of sea between us and the scenes of actual conflict and long accustomed to peace it is hard for us to realize now that our security is threatened and that the principle of liberty and justice for which our forefathers fought at Lexington is now in jeopardy.
"It is appropriate that today we recall that day when at Lexington was begun a righteous war from which sprang the cornerstone of a government whose foundation is the principle that all men are created free and equal, and that they are endowed with certain rights, among these, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness."
"The members of the W. R. C. will be just as glad and just as quick to give assistance to the soldier boys of today as they were to the boys of '61." declared Mrs. Catherine Thomas. Mrs. Thomas concluded her remarks saying, "I certainly am glad Quincy is not asleep. Let us be loyal to our president, our nation and our flag."
"The Star Spangled Banner" and "Columbia the Gem of the Ocean" were sung by the choir arranged on the stage and the entire audience standing. The singing was led by Mrs. Rome Arnold dressed as Columbia. "Paul Revere's Ride" recited by Wilton White was greeted with enthusiastic applause.
Patriotic remarks, which touched the hearts of the hundreds crowded in the theater and brought to the surface that spirit of patriotism which is found in everyone were made by the Rev. Father Driscoll, pastor of St. Pater's Catholic church. Father Driscoll spoke of the necessity of a demonstration of this kind and told the audience the meaning of true patriotism. His eloquent words added much to the inspiration of the occasion.
Several patriotic selections were sung by the boys of Chaddock Boys' schoo, who occupied a part of the stage.
That the John Wood post G. A. R. had offered its services to the country for guarding army property in this city after the other soldiers have been called to the front, was the revelation made during the program in remarks by Henry C. Turner of the John Wood post.
After an eloquent address by William Schlagenhauf, the meeting closed with the singing of America by the entire assembly. Musical selections by a chorus interspersed the program.
"In the days of Lexington every free man was considered a soldier and they thought any free man who was not ready to do his part in the defense of his country was unworthy of the community," declared Capt. M. Edward Fawcett, chaplain of the Fifth infantry and one of the principal speakers at the Empire meeting. Bishop Fawcett added, "The farmers of Lexington and Concord were prepared for war according to their time. Every man had his weapon and knew how to use it. That is what preparedness meant then and that is what preparedness means now.
"The strategy of war has changed and the requirements of present day warfare have changed but the principle still remains the same. There must be preparedness but the application of the principle calls for new adjustments." In concluding his remarks Bishop Fawcett spoke favorably for universal military training.
In Washington Park
After a short concert by the Fifth Regiment band and a number of vocal selections by the glee club the evening program, held in Washington park, was cut short by threatening weather. Charles M. Gill, superintendent of the city schools, presided at the evening session.
Because of the rain the portion of the afternoon program to have been given in Washington park by the children of Webster school was eliminated. The children, however, were near the Hotel Newcomb and were invited into the hotel where they sang their songs, much to the enjoyment of the guests staying at this hostelry.