 Record of Events in U. S. Army PAUL B HENDRICKSON 1379732
Chronological Record of Events in U S Army, April 12 1917 to June 6 1919
Son of James Perry and Ethelinda Hendrickson, 1211 Dakota St Danville Ill. Born on Oct 8 1896 at Palestine Ill.
April 12 1917, five days after war was declared with Germany, resigned as Store Keeper, CCC"StL Ry Co at Lyons Ill, and enlisted in Band, Headquarters Co, 5th Ill Inf National Guard, serving first enlistment. Sworn in to service by Major David Swaim, Danville Ill at the old Armory on Walnut Street.
Band left Danville Ill under Jack Snapp, Director, on Apr 13. Arrived at Quincy Ill same day, quartered in State Armory until June l, then moved to tents in a Park on the north of Quincy named Camp Parker in our honor. While in this Camp received Honorable Discharge from the National Guard of the U S and the State of Ill by reason of Drafted in the Army of the U S on Aug 5 1917, signed- Frank S Wood, Col 5th Ill Inf Commanding, and Marks Alexander, Capt Hdq Co. At this time was studying Bugling. Then began studying map drawing under instructions of Sgt Leslie Kimmell of Carthage Ill. On Sept 6 completed road map of country north of Quincy and of the Bay, which was found to be accurate as compared to the survey of the same section made by Gen Hill, Commanding 65 Brig. This work won for me personal commendation from Col Wood.
On Sept 14 we broke camp and entrained for Camp Logan Houston Texas, arriving there Sept 17. Upon arrival was appointed Sgt Bugler, instructing the Buglers of the Regiment, mounted and drilled with the Scouts, studied visual signaling and Telegraphy, continued map drawing, completing a large and deailed map of Camp Logan and surrounding territory.
About middle of October, Regiments were reorgenized, our 5th merged into other units, myself becoming a part of Hdq Co 3rd Ill Inf on Oct 19. (This Inf Reg first served in the war of 1812. Again in Black Hawk War of 1832. In 1846 this Reg composed of ten companies fought in Mexico. During the Civil War its separate units were merged into the "Seventh," the first Reg to be called. Jan 1876 it was organized as the 3rd Ill National Guard. Spanish-American War 1898, served in Porto Rican Expedition. On the Mexican Border June 1916 until Feb 21 1917. War with Germany, mustered in service July 28 1917, ordered to Camp Logan Houston Texas for training, then received designation 129th Inf; 65 Brig; 33 Div.) Upon becoming a part of this company was made Corporal in Signal Platoon, receiving Commission on Nov 12 1917. Intensively trained in trench warfare, open formation maneuvers and rifle range practice.
May 2 1918 entrained for port of embarkation. Arrived in St Louis on May 4, routed via Wabash and arrived in Danville 5am on the 5th. Mother, Fleda, Arthur, Olan and Cecil met me at the Depot. Engineer took me in his cab to the Big Four Crossing, giving me time to see my Father, who was on duty at this place. Then Detroit, over thru. Canada and back at Niagra Falls and to New York City. Issued overseas equipment at Camp Upton L I May 10 sailed on transport Covington, 14 in all led by U S Cruiser. Sailed via Azores, Bay of Biscay to Brest France. Disembarked and camped near Pontanazen Barracks on May 24.
June 13, entrained for Somme-Ameins Sector. Detrained at Oiesmont hiking it from here on. With the Australian Corps around Ameins and the Somme River, until Aug 6. With the 18 Div British Expeditionary Force Aug 11 to 20.
Entrained at Ameins Aug 23, traveled via Paris, Chateau Thierry, Eperney to Ligny in Verdun Sector, then by truck to Brocourt Woods, into lines at Hill 304 near Esnes, remaining until Sept 26.
(At this point was sent to gas school, Sept 13, at Clamency, returning via Paris, spending Sept 22 and 23 there.)
Meuse-Argonne Drive, Sept 26 to Oct 9 at Consenvoye, Oct 10 at Bois de Chaume, and on the east bank of the Meuse with the 17 French Corps until Oct 21. Troyon Sector Woevre Dist, at Sommedieue, Oct 24 to Nov 9. On Nov 10 and 11 advanced and occupied Marcheville, Riaville, St Hillaire, Chateau de Alnois. On Nov 11 at 11 oc ARMISTICE.
Billeted in woods near Mouilly until Dec 7, started march to Luxembourg, arrived in Ettlebruck Luxembourg on Dec 20. Quartered here during time this country was being occupied by the 33Div. On leave with Band from March 6 1919 until Mar 22, at Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo and Mentone.
April 22, entire Division massed in Reg formation was inspected by Gen Pershing, received embarkation orders, entrained Apr 28 for Brest, May 15 embarked on the U S S Leviathan for the U S A. May 22 arrived Hoboken N J and by train to Camp Merritt N J. While here spent three days seeing New York City. May 31 by rail to Camp Grant, stopping at Chicago June 2 for big reception Parade.
At Camp Grant on June 6, received Honorable Discharge from the Military Service of the U S by reason of- For the convenience of the Government per cir, 106 W D 1918. Arrived home same day.