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Pictures of Camp Logan


    Bates [perhaps PFC Rae E. of DeKalb]

    Britton [perhaps Sgt. Claude of Aurora]



    Laver, Sgt. Vern A. of Pontiac

    LeBeau, Sgt. Ed

    Massalino [or Musolino or Messileno], Nicholas

    Miller, Cpl. LaRue of Naperville

    Moats, PFC Leon D. of Marseilles

    Rege, Mario or Marilo

    Rutledge, [perhaps PFC Ralph of Ottawa]

    Thompson, Wayne "Tommy"

    Vincent, [perhaps Maurice]

    Wyman, [perhaps Pvt. Clarence]


    Company drill

    Liberty Loan

    Street Scene

    Rice Hotel

Panoramic views

Camp snapshots

    Cold morning


    Corrals West of Camp

    Division street

    Guard Mount Formal

    Old Headquarters Company street

    Returning from Passing Review

    Southern Pacific

    Water towers Top of Page