 Letter to Paul B, Feb. 21, 1919 [Received March 22, 1919] Palestine Illinois
Feb. 21, 1919
My Dear Buddie -- Received your most welcome letter[.] was just
trying to get myself to write you another one when yours came and
you bet that made me want to write you straight off. But I think
it is to bad it isnt you coming instead of your letters[.] I did
think by this time you would be sailing for the country you
fought so bravely to save. It didn't take me long to find you in
the band picture[.] I found it before I noticed that you had it
marked. I sure was glad to get your letter and picture but sorry
to know you were feeling so bum[.] hope it amounted to nothing and
that you are alright again. When do you suppose you will be sent
home or have you no idea. If you don't soon get home the first
soldier boys that come will have the best girls all picked out
and you last fellows will just have to take the leavin's. Maybe I
could speak a good word to Mary for you[.] I haven't seen her I dont
expect since she has received your card. She will be coming some
of these days teaching music again. Thelma will take again this
summer. Then I can see whether she will have anything to say
about you and I will write and tell you all she says. Maybe she
will answer your card and save me the trouble writing and telling
you what she says. She is sure a cute kid[,] very refined but real
jolly too. I have written a letter to Ray and Ruth tonight the
first Ive written them for over a year now[.] isn't that awful
treating them worse than I have you. I owe Mother a letter yet
then I guess Im about around[.] I have six that I write to pretty
regular and I wrote three a couple of nights ago. I write to my
nurse she was such a sweet girl but she has left the Sanitarium
and is in Kentucky now[.] she had the Flu twice and was so run down
and couldn't gain any strength so the Dr. told her to take a few
months off and rest, but she says she never had good health while
there and she doesn't think she will go back. I would hate to be
out there without her there for she was the best one to my notion[.]
not that she knew the most but had the sweetest disposition and
you know that means a whole lot when one is sick more than
medicine sometimes. You can be thankful you kept out of the
hospitals. Well if you wasn't homesick and just over there on a
visit you would certainly think you were the it playing for those
blue blooded folks. I wouldn't mind tagging along with you now
but when you wrote about the rats believe me I was glad I was
here. The girl that works for us has a camera and she is going to
take some snap shots around here and she will send you a few[.] did
you get one of Miles that Della took, did you think he had grown?
The children are all growing pretty fast, I'm growing too only
I'm growing North & South & East and West. Roscoe bought out
James Hash and now has Ansel Atwood for a pardener and they are
having a big trade now again. Hash was just ruining the trade but
too much of a fool to know it. But Roscoe could see it mighty
plain. Roscoe is in the store all the time now[.] it is ten and
eleven at night when he gets home. I dont like this way living
very well[.] guess we will have to move to town. Orvis Peelman died
of the Flu. Glen Peelman went to France and came back alive while
Orvis had a family and was exempted but still he had to die. You
must not let those Flu bugs get a hold of you they are vicious
little animals. We sure had the Flu here we thot we had it once
before but this time proved to us that we never had it before.
They were all down at once but me and believe me I had my hands
full caring for them, Graydon vomited so hard he vomited blood
and him and Forrest were out of their heads with such high fever
and Miles had a time with nose bleed they suffered so with their
backs and limbs. But I guess I was to fat for the bugs to soak
through. Well I guess I hardly know enough more to start another
sheet so will close hoping you are well and that I may hear from
you soon again.
Lovingly Bertha