Letter to Paul B, March 11, 1919 [Received March 27, 1919]
1211 Dakota St. Danville Ill. March 11, 1919.
Oh my precious Boy; I just must write you some of my intense
feelings this morning. I am almost unnerved. Ruby brought your
letter to Cecil of Feb. 2 up this morning and it tells of your
heavy cold on your lungs and nothing to doctor with but castor
oil. And I thought of your aching bones lying on the floor. And
now to think that my words of concern and sympathy wont reach you
for almost three weeks hense. I looked pretty strong for a letter
from you yesterday forenoon but non[e] came. Then I had to go to
Rifes for a sitting of eggs and when I got down there. almost the
first thing they ask me was, did I get a letter from you I told
them I didn't they said Cecil got one but of course none of us
could or did know what was in it till Cecil read it and as she
wouldnt come home till after school that night, Ruby was going to
take it along down as she went to school. but said she would
bring it up this morning right away which she did. Well dear boy
the only quieting thought I have concerning your physical
condition is that having such a close friend & as inteligent a
one as he is I feel that now 18 days since your letter - (or 19
day today) that if any thing has happened either seriously sick
or dead he would have sent us a cablegram. So I am trying to take
heart that you are better by this time. This Mornings Press
states a piece written by Serg. P.J. McLindan a member of the
33rd Div. telling of a show at Theatre Albert I. "Liberty Bells"
the name of it. Well, well, the Carrier brought me a letter too
from my precious boy dated Feb. 17. 3 days earlier than this last
one of Cecils and cards & clipping of the same thing I was just
going to write about. So I guess I will not say more about that,
only ask, what the name of the play you said you were in. Now I
am wondering why you are not getting your service Stripes[.] Who
is the fellow that is responsible for such unjust acts. As Fleda
and I were talking Sun. and had at different times before about
how the people in general have such awful hate of germans and go
to such awful extreems in laying every thing mean at their door
and say all manner of things about them which of course is most
all true but we said there were others just as unjust and when
the time came there would be as horrible things committed by
people that were not germans. and now it seems there has been,
and still is being done very unjust things in the American and it
Authorities have displayed prejudice, jealousies selfishness and
partisan spirit etc etc and what not. It is a good thing there is
to be no more war. for I think U.S. would have some "nuts" to
deal with sure enough in his own country or with his own men.
There is some hidden scheme in the war Authorities not trying to
get the men home sooner. and if they dont send them back why do
they allow some to have furloughs and other not. may be your turn
will come yet. And if not may be they will be getting you ready
to be sent home in the spring that is the talk now and has been
officially stated that all National Guard Divisions will be sent
back so take heart. Dont you and Mr. Taylor have your good times
together yet where was he the day you run up in - or I should
rather say climbed up into the Mountain. Now refering to your bad
cold do you know that I believe you got it taking that strenious
climb may be getting too warm and no doubt got cooled off pretty
suddenly and pretty thorough too. I do feel so troubled about
your cold. Did you say that building you are in is the insane
asylum. Your letter made me think of a comedian I at times felt
like crying then I was laughing heartily at times. I hope you are
not feeling so blue and will take heart and continue being
patient. Sure that word has a wonderful meaning in your life and
ours too. One funny thing you never ended your letter with the
usual closing remarks not your name I just wondered if you had
layed it aside aiming to finish later then hurriedly put it in
envelope thinking it complete. Oh how I would love to visit those
historic places with you, my the longing that came into my heart
to have such a privilege with the dear boy that lies so near my
heart. Talk? well I guess we would talk till we Became toungue
tied or paralyzed or something. In the times of Restitution just
think you will take a flying machine trip over in the country
where you saw so much misery and horrow and bloodshed and where
you spent such lonesome days in "the days of wa[i]ting to go
home" Then things will be changed a cerning to life will be the
order of the day. Every one walking or making a good start to
walk on the "high way of holiness" when all things that stumble
and offend will be gathered out no Lions shall be there Nothing
shall offend or hurt in all my holy Mount says the Lord. But
Kings & Kingdoms must be brought down. not just Kings that wear
crowns but coal Kings sugar Kings Meat Kings and Rail Road Kings
and what not. I see in the paper that the I.W.W.s and anarchest
are planning to overthrow all government and order, it is all
going to come as has been predicted. But I do hope you will get
home first. One thing sure you are not the only one who is
longing for home, misery like company. That is one the ways I
have consoling my longing heart is that there are other Mother,
or parents, and many others who are misirably passing along
waiting longing for their loved ones but truly the time will roll
around and soon they will be all coming back. Now I have my
routine of work to do not much of course but helps to employ my
mind, and thus a week soon rolls by but it will drag now till I
hear if you got well again as long as you stayed well and could
feel as good as you did in the letter you wrote in Jan about
playing for Marie Adelaid and of how well you were feeling and
how you were getting plenty of comfort of course I will not try
and word it as you had it worded only you said if you could just
come home in the condition you were in then I would realize my
best wishes what I hoped & hoped would come to pass. and it may
yet if you get over your cold without pneumonia and then continue
to stay well. The flu has broke out some again there was hardly
any in the Month of Feb.
You mentioned in Cecils letter of sometime when you could
tell her of the things you had to bear that was hard. I wish I
knew what kind of discipline that they were still enforcing.
seems too bad to think of any hardships after the necessity has
ceased. It almost makes a bitter feeling come into more hearts
thin the soldiers. Yet we must not forget that we are living at a
time when we can expect most anything, many unjust things are now
going on. our brothers that are in prison feel the unjustness of
26 yrs imprisonment when they were innocent of any guilt. Well
the reckoning day is not far off any more. Revolution & Anarchy.
and bolshevists rampant every where is bound to bring on the
awful time of trouble. yet it is not going to wipe all humanity
of the earth for many people will live through it. for it says in
the scripture that after all this trouble the people will turn to
Him with a pure language. that will be after the great conflict
is over[.] Last week -- just a week ago tonight all of Bro
Banghards were up to spend the evening and hear our music. I had
Anna to stay all night. I gave her one of those colored pictures
of Vianden that we had two alike she was so pleased to get it,
she wasn't thinking of such a thing as me giving her one. She
works in the hair dressing department at the Emery. Say my dear
boy I think you certainly are good to find an illustration that
so nicely fit your "wisdom tooth" experiance I dont know when
anything so ammused me I certainly took a laugh so did daddy and
also Sr Rife she said well if that isn't funny that you would
think of such a thing. the comparison is sure fitting. My I do
hope long before this letter reaches you that you will be over
your cold and in brighter spirits I cant bear to think of you
being home sick when I am so helpless. But your feelings about it
(your home-coming) seeming so far away that it will never happen
is just exactly the way I felt at times when I was down at Rays.
Some times I would feel so bad, and afraid I would take the
typhoid fever and never get back home and many other things would
come up in my mind that looked like things that might hinder me
from getting home. Then when I did get home fell in the cellar
and could have easy ended my life right there yet it was so
overruled that I am still here So that is the way with you only a
thousand times worse of course. but we will hope that He who
watched over and cared for you all along will still protect you
Guy & Della came in this evening just after I got our supper
dishes washed. I wannt looking for them till after the show
tonight but they came out here first I dont know just what time
Della came up to town but quite a bit before they came out here.
Guy said they were going to stay the rest of the week I am glad
for then they will be company and help me to get my mind off you
continuously which your ilness is causing. it is not much of the
time but what you are on my mind but the thoughts of you being
sick is harrassing to my heart and mind.
Daddy saw Maude the other morning as she was going to work. The
paper states she was to Chicago and just got back. I havn't seen
her for a long time. Well for some reason Uncle Joe didn't get to
come at the time I wrote you of. I dont know if he will get out
yet this winter or spring I should say. Say daddy topped that
tree next to the garden cut of all the new groths back to what
you cut off. I see in the paper they are trying to hurry up the
Rainbow Div coming home. They wanted it here to parade for the
next Liberty Loan. As it has men of all the states they think it
will make a good representation of the American Army. And todays
paper states that Pershing has ordered them to pack or prepare
for embarkation So you just be patient a little longer then your
div. will be ordered to do likewise and finally all that is to
come now this Spring will all be coming home Hoyts div (the 90th)
comes home in June.
Wed. Morning 12th Now I am going to record this letter as
Mar. 12. you can refer to it by that date.- Well Della & I have
been talking all morning just about as fast as we can. I am so
sorry they do not hear from you for there are several letters
that they have written to you that you have not answered and you
havn't refered to them in my letters so we dont know if you got
them or not. Guy answered your letter to him while he was in Camp
right away in receiving it. he wonders if you ever got it. Say
dear boy, every time I allow myself to think of you being sick I
get so weak and almost turn sick. So if you are getting alright,
or you are over your cold, I certainly am undergoing a strain
that is harder on me thin when you were in the great war. where I
didn't build very much on seeing you again. But now I have
allowed myself to look forward to your homecoming as a
possibility and now that you are sick I am almost paralized with
alarm. I am hoping and praying that I get a letter from you soon
stating that you are alright. We have 3 hens setting. 2 last Sat.
one this Monday. we are selling eggs right-along and only wish
you were here to store away all you wanted. Well dear boy if this
finds you alive I do hope you will take the best of care of
yourself and that the good Lord will overrule that you can come
home OK. May His overruling providence provide the needful things
for your health and comfort.
Your Mother & Father who love you dearly. Write soon
[appended upside down at top of first sheet]
After the strain I am undergoing right now is ever releived by
another letter from you stating you are alright will be the
greatest appreciated letter all it seems. O God may it be so.
Della just now handed in this picture to send to you it look good
of Guy