 Letter to Paul B, March 31, 1919 [Received about April 19, 1919]
1211 Dakota St. Danville Ill March 31, 1919
My own dear Boy:- Just a few lines before going to bed. This
letter will go on record as April 1 but wanted to get it started.
I could have written it all tonight if I had stayed at home.
First I want to tell you that we rec'd three cards from you.
Cecil got 5 from you. they were all rec'd in todays mail. Say
while I think of it dont forget to get a view of the Duchess
palace you sent Cecil one. It might be you have it, if not get
one. try and keep a picture of each kind for your collection.
Daddy went to bed after supper. to get as much sleep as possible
for tomorrow he wont come home as he is to sit on the board at
the election as one of judges I will take his dinner to him. he
will make an extra five dol - Arthur & Fleda were down yesterday.
and they brought the letter they got from you, they seemed so
pleased that they heard from you. I went over to Kings awhile as
I felt a little lively as well as sleepy and could get by with
the time. But I had better stayed and wrote to you. Well I will
try and answer your letter when I know what I am writing about I
am rotten for sleep. April 1. Well, well, getting nothing wrote
tonight again. Today has been a busy one for me. Before I eat my
breakfast I went down to Rifes to take Cecils measurements. and
then came back and eat breakfast and did the morning work. And
baked a peach pie to take down to daddy as I told you he was
going to sit as judge on the election board. I took him some
bread and cookies and mange. then the noon car came and Cecil
came home for dinner so she and I came back together. I ate
dinner with them. did a little fitting then came home and cut out
the dress the other was just the lining it is a blue satin I
dread the making but she wanted me to do it. So this eve she came
up and I had some more measuring and fitting to do. You see I
cant have her long enough to do but a little at a time which
makes it awful hard to sew for her. Well I got another card from
you today which makes 4 now this one got strayed away from the
others as it is March 11. May be others have been delayed O boy
the sights and wonderful places of interest you are getting to
see. My! but you will have lots to tell us when you get home. I
do want to get my house cleaning done so I wont have any thing to
do but listen to you and get a bite to eat ha ha. Well I started
out to tell you why I didn't get any writing done this evening -
or rather, more writing (as I am doing a little). Bro. Banghards
all came and spent the evening, and to tell about the Convention
at St. Louis which they attended Sat. & Sun. They like our
phonograph so well. Well I will go to bed and may be I can finish
this letter by the 3rd (Excuse the blots on other sheet. Wed
morning. The 2nd I have just got word over the phone that Sr
Claggett is down sick and has sent for me. I hardly can spare the
time any how right now when I am working on Cecils dress and have
it all figuered out in my mind just how it is to be done But
seems I am the only one of the friends who have a chance to leave
home not so many to do for like the rest of the friends I will
let daddy finish this letter.
Well Dear son I will scratch a few lines so as to get this
letter off as I know you want to hear from home as often as you
can I just got up & found ma gone which seems to be almost an
evry day occurence here lately so I have to get used to it We
have two old hens with little chicks about 19 apiece I think & of
course I have to look after them which keeps me at home about all
the time I havent missed work a night since last oct. a year ago
17 month streight doing pretty well eh say Paul about your bonds
you had better see the party that had you to take them & see if
they cant find them or why they they dont send them to us which I
think they out to see what you can do about it eny how. with all
the love that we have for you & for your speedy return. I see
this morning paper says you will start home May 15
Will be glad when that time comes
with love dady

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