 Letter to Paul B, April 23, 1919 [Received May 11, 1919]
1211 Dakota St. Danville Ill. April 23, 1919.
My Dear Boy:- Well I guess I will write again - and may be
another time or two yet before you are home. Your dear letter,
and very dear essay, and sweet "olive branch of peace" and
printed notes of interest all came duly to hand, it was dated
Mar. 30 and we received it Mon. April 21 making it one day over 3
weeks. the other letter came in 15 days. My dear boy I cannot
express my appreciation of your "love for Mother" it seems your
doubly precious if such a thing could be. How many many Mothers
have gone to the grave and never heard such words of comfort and
cheer, but was left to be said over her cold and silent form,
unheard Whatever you may have failed to do, or left unsaid there
is one thing you have done that thousands of boys and men have
left unsaid that was always a heartache in after years. We are
having nice weather but is going to be too dry now soon, if it
dont rain soon While it was a rainy week last week, yet it didn't
rain much. Well I must tell you we sure had a surprise Sun.
Roscoes came up. I was down at the St car line waiting for the 9
o-c A.M. car and was sitting on the bench by the fire Sta. when
they came up Bowman ave. they recognized me and began nodding and
laughing I did the same but didn't know them till I saw Roscoe
say I wasnt long getting in the car. Bertha had two hens dressed
ready to put on to cook a big cake a gal. of sweet milk 3 lbs of
butter a a lot of colored eggs. Guys bed give to Arthurs on Sat.
eve. they came here for dinner and stayed all afternoon then took
the evening train so we didn't call up to Arthurs knowing they
would have their dinner planned so we got our dinner here then we
all got in the car and went up there and gave them a big
surprise. Then in eve all came down here and Jim and Flo
Cunningham came too thin such a time as all did have popped corn
etc. had music and fun Roscoes Guys Arthurs and Jims took in a
show Mon afternoon Roscoes started home at ten min after five got
a letter from Bertha today she said they made it home in 3 3/4
hours. Guys stayed here all night. Arthurs and Jims went home,
that is Sunday nite I mean. There is many things I could write
about but I just expect these last letters to come back. I went
down to Valentines Mon. eve went as Della & Guy went I got down
town little before the show was out and waited for them on the
out side so I got to see Roscoes again. I didnt want to go to the
show. besides there was some cleaning up to do here first before
I could leave.
With love and prayers that we may soon meet once more I am
your loving Mother
The Jewish item was noted with interest will talk about it
when you get home

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