 Letter to Paul B, February 3, 1918 345 N. Mentor Av.
Pasadena, Cal., Feb. 3, 1918 -
Dear Paul - Your letter of the 26th ult. was received
recently and read with much interest. It was the right thing to
do -- tell about yourself and what you are doing. That is the
very thing that is of interest to any of your home folks. Soon
after I wrote the card that followed you to Texas, I received a
fat envelope from Ray, that contained a letter from him, and
several that you had written to mother Ethe - We enjoyed reading
them so much, as we had, up to that time, heard no particulars
from you since you enlisted. When we write her we will return the
letters. Among them is a postal written enroute to Texas. Of
course you could not write at length to all of them, and the
letters are just as interesting, and can easily be passed around.
We are wondering if you have seen Hoyt in your trips up to Aunt
Laura's? We have heard no particulars at all from him, only that
he was in the service at Travis Tex. I wrote him a card at the
time I sent yours, but it may not have reached him. Yes, Paul, we
certainly do think that you have been working hard, and all of it
is of a kind that helps to improve the mind, and makes for
efficiency, whether in army or civil life. Keep it up. That's the
stuff that makes a good soldier or civilian.
I am enclosing a letter of introduction to Col. J. M. Eddy,
131st U.S. Inft., Camp Logan. You remember, Paul, the street that
we lived on in Berwyn. Mr. Eddy's home is the 6th house south of
our old home. We are old neighbors. His son, Max, a boy perhaps a
little older than you, is bugler of the same reg. You need not
hesitate to approach Col. Eddy, if the opportunity comes, and I
know it would be nice if you could get acquainted with them. Col.
Eddy was in the Spanish War.
We enjoyed the pictures, - they give us a sort of insight
into some of your duties, and surroundings.
I am keeping the accounts of a drug company in Los Angeles,
"McColloch Drug Co." I go there every day. Aunt Dora is recovered
from the pneumonia that she had in Nov. but the old bronchial
trouble is pretty hard on her most of the time. Pasadena is a
little farther from Los Angeles that Berwyn is from Chicago, but
the cars run fast and frequently. This has been a dry winter so
far. No pasture yet. Ordinarily grass is grown enough for grazing
in Dec. Business is not quite up to normal with us. War makes
everyone conservative.
Aunt Dora joins in love to you. We hope you will keep well.
Your Uncle Alvin L. M-
Pasadena, Cal. Jan 31, 1918.
Col. J.M. Eddy,
Camp Logan, Texas.
Dear Mr. Eddy:- This letter introduces Corp. Paul
Hendrickson, my nephew, who enlisted with the 5th Ill., but has
been in Camp Logan since last Sept -
I recently recd. a Berwyn paper and saw that you and Max
were located at this camp. It is really a comfort to us to know
that Paul is near some of our old neighbors -
Hope you and Max are well. Mrs. Martin is somewhat better
here than she was in Berwyn. Remember us kindly to Mrs. Eddy and
Marion -
With best wishes, your old neighbor,
A. L. Martin -
345 N. Mentor Av